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RK Kaloger

RK Kaloger

#BodyPrint  #Artist

 "My body is my paintbrush"


My past work has included landscapes, drawings, collages, and abstracts with varying mediums; pen & ink, watercolor, acrylic.  None of them have I been more passionate about than my current body of work.  I started "BodyArt" in 2014, when I aspired to do something completely different, creating art thru bodyprints.  What started out as an experiment has to date resulted in over 70 completed works and some of the best work of my life.

My technique is continually evolving to include more abstracts, although my favorites remain the solitary black and white prints with little to no background, allowing the print to remain the focus.  They are, what I consider, my best work.  I do not expect everyone to embrace my work, to some the thought of rolling in paint and using your body like a rubber stamp may seem strange, but to me it's an ordinary day in the studio.

I have been hugely influenced by Pollock and O'Keefe for their work and their work ethic, but none as much as Van Gogh.  He was one of the most influential artists we will ever have the privilege of studying, yet died never knowing the impact his work would have on modern art.  The simplicity of his work will forever be cherished.

My vision is to replace common portraits with bodyprints, a new provocative way to commemorate lives.  Celebrities, athletes, political figures, anyone willing to roll in a bit of paint.  The human body is a beautiful thing and I want to print them all. 

Maintains an #art studio in Quebec, Canada


(Your #body #print on canvas)

" The body is my paintbrush, have brush? Artist will travel"



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